35,040 days
Dwell time. Little did I know it would last for more than a month. I took myself out of the flow and sat on the banks watching the water turn from a trickle into a brutish force. Worked on small [...]
By Francesca Saveri|2024-08-27T19:32:02-07:00November 13th, 2021|Always Be Testing|
Dwell time. Little did I know it would last for more than a month. I took myself out of the flow and sat on the banks watching the water turn from a trickle into a brutish force. Worked on small [...]
By Francesca Saveri|2021-10-02T21:06:14-07:00October 2nd, 2021|Always Be Testing, Brightlife|
It was a stroke of brilliance. Fumbling around in the studio playing with dozens of postcard size paintings. I paint these 4" x 6" throwaways when I have extra paint or am testing colors. Critical to have ways to explore [...]
By Francesca Saveri|2021-09-25T23:18:26-07:00September 25th, 2021|Always Be Testing, Studio Wildcat|
What was I working on one year ago? A scroll through my photo album is a running record of what was happening in the studio exactly one year ago. I see the various stages paintings go through as they are [...]
By Francesca Saveri|2021-09-19T08:56:36-07:00September 19th, 2021|Always Be Testing, Brightlife, Studio Wildcat|
Nuno Olivera was a master horseman. His horsemanship was an Art. He also had a passion for opera. His discipline to mastery often informs how I think about painting. The practice. The set up. I recently heard one story about [...]
By Francesca Saveri|2021-08-15T09:20:01-07:00August 15th, 2021|Always Be Testing, Studio Wildcat|
What is my next best mark? It needs to be different from the last mark. At this size, to make a bold mistake is costly and demoralizing. It happens though and I'm beginning to use the wads of waste as [...]