A Problem Solving Week
Finding solutions. Seems to be the theme of this week. A few of the challenges this week: Puppy climbed over baby gate while I was away. He was waiting for me in the living room. Happy puppy. Puzzled mom. Started 4 new small paintings and [...]
Like a kettle on the stove
Moving along in the studio this week and realizing it's days left until Open Studio. In less than a month I need to have a superb presentation of my art, an organized studio and quick access to boxed work in storage. I like this moment. [...]
It’s happening. Open Studio.
It's happening! Finally! We've got the go ahead to have our annual East Bay Open Studios the first weekend in June. Naturally it can be shut down at anytime if we have a Covid flare up. To edge against that possibility, the event will also [...]