My Very own Journal
It's getting a bit sci-fi around here lately. What with the virus still circulating, fires ripping through millions of acres in California, ash covering our cars; it's hard to make sense of it all. My go to solution is journaling. A session of free form [...]
Hot again. Cool off with green.
I haven't slept in my bed for weeks. Instead, my garden has become my night sanctuary. A wooden chaise is my bed and I use my old backpacking sleeping bag for warmth. I'm comforted by the residual smell of late night campfires and miles of [...]
Show and Tell from the Studio
It's show and tell time from the studio. I'm a morning and a night person. In-between I just want to eat, read, take a nap and wake up to an espresso with a cup of my very own design! This makes me smile every time. [...]