Plenty of nothing
We’re back in lockdown. Go out for the essentials otherwise stay home. Can we do this for another 3 months? I’m fortunate my lifestyle hasn’t changed much, yet I see my friends’ faces on Zoom and they look haggard. Through the screen I can feel [...]
Gratitude circulates
It’s Thanksgiving week and I hope you’re enjoying a variation on your traditional gathering theme. Gratitude circulates. I feel change in the air and it’s manifesting in a deeper appreciation and enjoyment of the Day. Fall has summoned Nature’s brilliance to surface for our emotional [...]
I haven’t been on a hike
I haven't been on a big hike since Lila died. The trails are literally out my doorstep yet somehow without a dog at my side it feels empty. Pointless. Part of going out for the whole morning was because I knew she loved it. It [...]