Puppy naps, saggy knees and personality
During puppy naps I've been scouring my shelves for paintings that don't thrill me anymore. It's like those shorts you used to wear but now aren't thrilled about exposing saggy knees. Change. I pulled this painting and started the rejuvenation phase. Step 1 is to [...]
Can you whisper that please?
Puppy found his voice. "FEED ME! FEED ME!" he barks while I'm preparing food at the kitchen counter. "FEED ME! FEED ME! FEED ME!" Puppy Pippin I turn and face him. Me: "QUIET!" Him: "FEED ME! FEED ME. FEED ME!" Me: "QUIET. [...]
Movie Time
I'm not much of a movie fan and rarely have patience to sit in a dark room with strangers watching a film. Difficult for me to be still for that long. But if I can get a tasteful selection of great films I'll give it [...]