I’m going out. Really out; for the first time in over fifteen months.
Three of my large paintings will be up at SHOH Gallery on 4th Street in Berkeley. I’m over the moon thrilled. It’s a group show and the theme is Color! I’ve had a secret desire to exhibit in that location for a long time. So true to never give up on your dreams!

Gallope will be part of the SHOH Gallery show.
The gallery is situated across the street from an Apple Store and other high end retailers. It’s the perfect place for a gallery and I have a good feeling about this exhibit. I’m sensing people are eager to adorn their homes with new energy and a fresh start.
Aren’t we all.
A fresh start is how I’m approaching going out in the public again. I haven’t had to “tend” to appearances in a long time. I’m grateful I was able to schedule a haircut before the opening. My last home job got a bit edgy in the wrong way.
It feels strange to put on “appearance” clothes; the costume we wear for the public. Does it even feel like me anymore. I look through my closet, over the rows of shoes, the Marie Kondo organized drawers of pants and shirts. What feels right, now?
I’ve a few days to get it together. I am looking forward to seeing the show and meeting the other artists. I’m not comfortable being mask free and in close proximity to people. I’ll keep a distance or wear my mask.
If you’d like to join me for a fresh start here are the details.
Opening Reception: Friday, June 4th from 5-8pm. (Show runs for a month)
SHOH Gallery (a few doors down from the corner Peet’s Coffee and Teas)
4th Street
Berkeley, CA