Inspiration can come from other genres.
While in the middle of writing this post, one of my favorite musicians, Jon Batiste came on my InstaG feed. You may know Jon as the bandleader on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. If you dig a little more, you’ll find Jon involved in many projects. And he’s only 33 years old.
This man is a genius. Not only as a musician but as a leader of joy and hope. His energy is contagious and he inspires 360 degrees of Excellence.
My fingers stopped typing when I heard him say this:
The chief objective as artists of the 21st century is to figure out where our melodies come from.
I’m pulling this line out of context of his conversation and history, yet I think there is truth in it for every creative discipline. It’s an invitation to trace the history of our particular craft and understand the evolution. I also read this line as a personal invitation to figure out what makes you come alive and let others hear it!

the studio today
Jon Batiste just released “I Need You” from his new album We Are. I’m including the link below. It’s a catchy tune with historical jazz references and it takes place in an art gallery! It’s a welcome pick me up and reminder to have fun!
Take a listen to I Need You HERE. I think you’ll enjoy it.
So what makes you come alive?