I’ve been pretty much staying close to home these last few months. My studio, the horse barn, Lila park walks and the neighborhood grocery store; that’s it. I’m lucky I can work from home and take care of the critters as usual.

Will be available tomorrow!
Early this week I had a sale on my art Shopify site. Being a small painting I packaged and created a USPS label from home. If I dropped it off at the post office before noon the buyer could have it in two days. My customer support team (Lila) and I hopped in the car and drove into Berkeley. I hadn’t been there for 3 months.
It was easy to find a parking spot right in front. I put on my mask, grabbed the package and headed towards the post office.
To put it simply, I became anxious.
I felt vulnerable and uncomfortable. People were in line at Peets for pick up coffee. Delivery drivers with masks hanging from their necks unloaded merchandise from trucks. It was as if I needed a game plan to get to the front door. Have people become lackadaisical? Careless?
Right, use your elbow to open the door. Good, no one in line.
“Yes, this is the right postage. Here’s your receipt.”
It’s going to take me awhile to get comfortable with going beyond my world. Maybe you’re feeling a bit of this too.
A few beautiful things I saw on my Lila walk this afternoon.
I like my world.