Have you noticed how everyone is being polite? Even helpful?
My neighborhood is filled with problem solvers and do-gooders; I’m lucky. Every Tuesday an organic farm box is placed on my porch. E-mails announce a load of Acme bread is at my neighbor’s house.
“Come and get it.”
Being 9 at night I clip the leash on my dog’s collar and walk a couple of blocks up the hill for bread. I take what is on the top, two round loaves of sourdough and leave a donation. A car pulls up across the street as Lila and I leave the house. The driver doesn’t leave the car until we establish the proper social distance. She’s on a bread run too.
Thank you neighbors.

a new 6″ x 6″ from the Stripes Forever series
The art community has also learned to problem solve.
The art show I was to be in this month was cancelled. Within a week the curator created an online “virtual show” with links to the artists, scheduled a Zoom call for the artists and juror to get to know each other and is highlighting one artist a day on their Facebook page. Wow! This is now common practice for galleries and artists.
And to think of the zillions of communities that have come up with ways to keep their work going. This can only be a good thing.
I look at changes I’ve made over the last few weeks. Some I chose and some were required. In the simplification of my day I feel more alive, rested and un-rushed.
The conveniences, obligations and busy-ness of the day were compromises. They kept me from getting better in the things that matter to me. Improvement requires a singularity and transparency.
Staying home has never felt better.