It’s the last day of the stARTup Small Works Art Fair. Too soon to give a final reporting but so far I’ve sold two paintings and have more people interested in taking an encaustic workshop with me.
Art fairs are always a gamble. Trick is to know why you are participating and don’t take it all too personally when things go wonky. It’s a matchmaking process: You-the Art-the Other. As with all relationships you have to listen. They’re telling you a story that reveals their needs and they’re hoping you have the solution. They did stop at your booth after all!
I listen to their story and add to it.
I ask questions.

Summerquake 1 12″ x 12″
And listen some more.
I was blessed with the confident buyer yesterday. He knew what he liked, came to buy and didn’t doubt himself. No hesitation.
“Good choice. I prefer that one too,” I told him when he changed his mind on which Summerquake to buy. He went for the one on the right.
He and his partner ended up buying more work from other artists that day. I’m sure their evening will be filled sharing not only the art but the stories attached to each encounter.
In the next blog I’ll let you know how it all ends. In the meantime, if you’d like to see more from the show click here to visit the stARTup Instagram site.
Wish me luck!