My fascination with black to white continues as I take photos of my white horse Mr. First.
Since there is limited color my eye picks up on other details which make the image come alive. The horizontal lines formed by the wooden stall walls accentuate the curve and sphere like feel of his eye. Deep black corners heighten the white of his body and soften they grey in his mane.
So perhaps this influence permeated my latest rush of encaustic on paper paintings. They came about at the conclusion of a very colorful series. I needed to bring myself down from bright and bold to a slower minimized effort. Texture, high contrast and soft brush strokes.

11″ x 14″ encaustic on paper

11″ x 14″ encaustic on paper

detail of encaustic on paper
I like working this way: high vibe to low vibe.
Power in quiet and small; like Mr. First.
PS: These pieces will be available Monday on my Instagram feed and soon after on my website. Also, Open Studio is coming soon on June 15 & 16!