The post today is a quote from Dr. Andrew Weil. I recently heard him interviewed on the Tim Ferriss podcast.
“I think what we’re really going for is how to maximally increase the chance of producing a positive experience.”
-Dr. Andrew Weil
I’ve kept a journal for more than thirty years. Boxes and boxes of moleskins, spiral notebooks, quadrados. At a young age I was inspired by the main character in the book Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh. The nine year old carried a little spiral notepad and pen in the back pocket of her pants and took notes on everything and everyone. I took up this habit long before morning pages became cultish-ly popular by Julia Cameron. Little Harriet was ahead of her time.
To this day, I feel naked if I don’t have a pad of paper and pen on me or close by.
When I heard Dr. Weil make the above statement I had to write it down. It’s such a good sentence to turn into a question.
What would have to be true to increase the chance of producing a positive experience?
What does a positive experience even look like?
As I prepare for Superfine! Art Fair in Los Angeles on February 14 – 17, I’ve come up with some ideas.
Be confident in my work.
Engage with the visitors.
Be generous with my story and listen for theirs.
Have no expectations.
Eat well and get my sleep.
Don’t rush.
Pay attention to the details.

“Just the Way you Look” 40″ x 30″ is going to Superfine! Perfect for Valentine’s Day weekend!
If you have any suggestions for me send them my way! To see what else I’ll be taking to the fair click HERE. My next post will be from the Superfine!
Contact me if you’d like a free pass to the event!