Yesterday I delivered three paintings to the home of an interested buyer. These were large paintings that she and her husband had quickly identified as “the” ones at my recent SF Open Studio event. They asked if they could see them in their home. I agreed knowing that having the work in their home would help them make their decision. Also, being large paintings that will become the focus of the room, I understand the need to make the right decision.
Decisions that leave you gasping, that take your breath away and open the heart for possibility.
I rented the UHaul van and met my niece at the gallery to pick up the paintings. My work doesn’t fit in my car anymore which adds a new element to the mix. Within an hour paintings were loaded and we headed down Geary Street out towards the ocean. The streets were quiet the day before Thanksgiving and we arrived on time.
We brought the paintings into the newly painted living room and one by one we tested them out. The art was to be a starting point for their redesign from old to modern. They were getting rid of 35 years and starting fresh, beginning with the heArt. Smart move. Art can change the energy of a room in a snap. It can become the focus, the conversation piece and mood enhancer of a room.
Change your environment, change your life.
One by one we put the work on the console and waited. What happened next even jolted me. When we put this painting up, Ascent of Icarus, I swear; the room began to glow! The woman gasped and the room came alive with possibility, hope and expansion. I’ve put paintings in many rooms but this was the first time I saw the soul of a room be released and touch everyone there. What delight and a reminder of why I do what I do.
Everyday I ask “How am I contributing to the good in this world? How can I tip the scale towards beauty?” I’m honored to have the opportunity to change a life in this way. I do hope they choose this one.
XOXO, Francesca